Quick Start

The following will introduce you to the most fundamental mechanics of simexpal. The quick start guide will explain simexpal installation, as well as the features: instance and input parameter management, launch experiments, monitor experiments, and evaluate experiments using the output data. Thereafter, we will have a closer look at the different phases of experiments set up using simexpal including running experiments, evaluating results, managing instances, parameterize algorithms, builds and revisions, the run matrix, and launchers and support for batch schedulers.


simexpal requires Python 3.

Either you install it via pip3 using:

$ pip3 install simexpal

Or you install it using the latest commit of our default branch from GitHub. Of course, you can also choose to install a specific version (using our tags) or branch.

$ git clone https://github.com/hu-macsy/simexpal.git
$ cd simexpal
$ pip3 install -e .

Minimal Example and Fundamentals

The simexpal repository contains a small example which can be used to quickly get to know the tool. For this section, we compare different sorting algorithms using multiple instances as input.

  1. Install simexpal as detailed above.

  2. Clone the simexpal repository and navigate to the examples/sorting/ directory:

    $ git clone https://github.com/hu-macsy/simexpal.git
    $ cd simexpal/examples/sorting/

    This directory contains an experiments.yml file which describes the configuration of all instances and experiments. In this case each instance will be generated using the generate.py script. Each experiment calls my_sort.py implementing the experiment given the parameters. eval.py is a script that uses simexpal’s Python interface to evaluate the experiment results.

  3. Generate some instances for the benchmark. First, we list all instances:

    # List the instances declared in experiments.yml.
    # Note that missing instances will appear in red.
    $ simex instances


    Instance short name          Instance sets
    -------------------          -------------

    Then, install all instances:

    # Generate missing instance files.
    $ simex instances install


    Generating instance 'uniform-n1000-s1'
    Generating instance 'uniform-n1000-s2'
    Generating instance 'uniform-n1000-s3'

    In the experiments.yml the instances are declared as part of the instances stanza. This stanza also declares how to invoke the generator script generate.py.

  4. Launch the algorithms on all instances:

    List experiment configurations from experiments.yml.

    $ simex e


    Experiment                           Instance                            Status
    ----------                           --------                            ------
    bubble-sort                          uniform-n1000-s1                    [0]
    bubble-sort                          uniform-n1000-s2                    [0]
    bubble-sort                          uniform-n1000-s3                    [0]
    insertion-sort                       uniform-n1000-s1                    [0]
    insertion-sort                       uniform-n1000-s2                    [0]
    insertion-sort                       uniform-n1000-s3                    [0]
    6 experiments in total

    Launch all experiments using process forks.

    $ simex e launch --launch-through=fork


    Launching run bubble-sort/uniform-n1000-s1[0] on local machine
    Launching run bubble-sort/uniform-n1000-s2[0] on local machine
    Launching run bubble-sort/uniform-n1000-s3[0] on local machine
    Launching run insertion-sort/uniform-n1000-s1[0] on local machine
    Launching run insertion-sort/uniform-n1000-s2[0] on local machine
    Launching run insertion-sort/uniform-n1000-s3[0] on local machine

    View the status of the experiments.

    $ simex e list


    Experiment                                    Instance                            Status
    ----------                                    --------                            ------
    bubble-sort                                   uniform-n1000-s1                    [0] finished
    bubble-sort                                   uniform-n1000-s2                    [0] finished
    bubble-sort                                   uniform-n1000-s3                    [0] finished
    insertion-sort                                uniform-n1000-s1                    [0] finished
    insertion-sort                                uniform-n1000-s2                    [0] finished
    insertion-sort                                uniform-n1000-s3                    [0] finished
    6 experiments in total
  5. Evaluate the results:

    To evaluate the experiment results, we call the eval.py script which uses the pandas package to aggregate the results. Please make sure that the Python package pandas is installed on your machine, or install it via pip3 install pandas. The script also uses the simexpal Python interface (i.e., the functions collect_successful_results() and open_output_file()) to gather all results.

    $ python3 eval.py


                    comparisons          swaps      time
    bubble-sort        499500.0  253437.333333  0.053750
    insertion-sort     241891.0  257609.000000  0.027219


Simexpal supports autocomplete via argcomplete. To enable autocomplete, install argcomplete and enable global completion:

$ pip3 install argcomplete
$ activate-global-python-argcomplete

Running Experiments

Let us now take a closer look at running experiments. As an example, we compare the sorting algorithms insertion sort and bubble sort using a set of instances. Please find the resources in our example folder.

If you look at the sorting directory in our examples, you will find my_sort.py including an implementation of the two algorithms insertion sort and bubble sort.

my_sort.py expects two arguments:

  1. The algorithm name (i.e. insertion-sort or bubble-sort).

  2. The path to the instance.

In the above example, we generated a bunch of instances which were written to the instances folder at root level where the experiments.yml file is present.

For this example, we generate a new instance using the generate.py script. First, we navigate to the sorting folder:

$ cd examples/sorting

Thereafter, we generate a new instance file which contains 500 randomly generated integers in list form with one integer per line:

$ python3 generate.py -o ./instances/random-500 500

Now we can run insertion-sort on the newly generate instance:

python3 my_sort.py --algo=insertion-sort ./instances/random-500


- 9949624
- 9984385
- 9984385
swaps: 65114
time: 0.006702899932861328

Let us continue with configuring simexpal to automatize the experimental pipeline.

Consider the experiments.yml file in the root directory. It represents the simexpal configuration read in to run the experiments on the desired instances. The file is structured as below:

Example of an experiments.yml simexpal configuration file.
 2  - generator:
 3      args: ['./generate.py', '--seed=1', '1000']
 4    items:
 5      - uniform-n1000-s1
 6  - generator:
 7      args: ['./generate.py', '--seed=2', '1000']
 8    items:
 9      - uniform-n1000-s2
10  - generator:
11      args: ['./generate.py', '--seed=3', '1000']
12    items:
13      - uniform-n1000-s3
16  - name: insertion-sort
17    args: ['./my_sort.py', '--algo=insertion-sort', '@INSTANCE@']
18    stdout: out
19  - name: bubble-sort
20    args: ['./my_sort.py', '--algo=bubble-sort', '@INSTANCE@']
21    stdout: out

The structure of the configuration file will get more attention later on. At this point, our sorting directory looks like this:

├── my_sort.py
├── experiments.yml
└── instances
    └── random_500.list

To add the instance to be used in our experiments, we must add a local file with it’s name random-500 (no extension) to our instances stanza:

  - generator:
      args: ['./generate.py', '--seed=1', '1000']
      - uniform-n1000-s1
  - generator:
      args: ['./generate.py', '--seed=2', '1000']
      - uniform-n1000-s2
  - generator:
      args: ['./generate.py', '--seed=3', '1000']
      - uniform-n1000-s3
  - repo: local
      - random-500

  - name: insertion-sort
    args: ['./my_sort.py', '--algo=insertion-sort', '@INSTANCE@']
    stdout: out
  - name: bubble-sort
    args: ['./my_sort.py', '--algo=bubble-sort', '@INSTANCE@']
    stdout: out

After having completed this step, we can start using simexpal to run our experiments including the new instance. The @-Variable @INSTANCE@ will be use for all instances. A complete list of experiments and their status can be seen by:

$ simex e list

The color of each line represents the status of the experiment:

  • green 🮆 represents finished

  • yellow 🮆 represents running

  • red 🮆 represents failed

  • and the default color represents not executed

Experiments can be launched with:

$ simex e launch --launch-through=fork

This instruction will launch the non-executed experiments on the local machine. After all experiments have ben run, all experiment entries should be finished:

$ simex e list


Experiment                                    Instance                            Status
----------                                    --------                            ------
bubble-sort                                   random-500                          [0] finished
bubble-sort                                   uniform-n1000-s1                    [0] finished
bubble-sort                                   uniform-n1000-s2                    [0] finished
bubble-sort                                   uniform-n1000-s3                    [0] finished
insertion-sort                                random-500                          [0] finished
insertion-sort                                uniform-n1000-s1                    [0] finished
insertion-sort                                uniform-n1000-s2                    [0] finished
insertion-sort                                uniform-n1000-s3                    [0] finished
8 experiments in total

Evaluating Results

After the experiments have been run, simexpal can assist with locating and collecting output data. For this purpose, simexpal can be imported as a Python package. As simexpal is output format and algorithm agnostic, you need to provide functionality to parse output files and evaluate results. Parsing output files can usually be greatly simplified by using standardized formats and appropriate libraries.

The example below (i.e., eval.py from examples/sorting/) demonstrates this concept. It uses the simexpal Python package to obtain all output files and meta data about them. In particular, it uses the functions collect_successful_results() and open_output_file() for this purpose. A user-supplied parsing function is employed to parse the output files.

 1def parse(run, f):
 2	output = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.Loader)
 3	return {
 4		'experiment': run.experiment.name,
 5		'instance': run.instance.shortname,
 6		'comparisons': output['comparisons'],
 7		'swaps': output['swaps'],
 8		'time': output['time']
 9	}
11cfg = simexpal.config_for_dir()
12results = []
13for successful_run in cfg.collect_successful_results():
14	with successful_run.open_output_file() as f:
15		results.append(parse(successful_run, f))
17df = pandas.DataFrame(results)
18print(df.groupby('experiment')[['comparisons', 'swaps', 'time']].agg('mean'))

Run this Python script to evaluate the experiments:

$ python3 eval.py


                comparisons      swaps      time
bubble-sort        405812.5  205647.25  0.043447
insertion-sort     196834.5  208978.00  0.021463

Managing Instances

Before launching the experiments, we need to make sure that all our instances are available. Instances can be checked with:

$ simex instances list

An example output:

Instance short name                      Instance sets
-------------------                      -------------

Unavailable instances will be shown in red, available instances will be shown in green.

If instances are taken from a public repository, they can be downloaded automatically. We configured the YAML file under examples/download_instances below to use instances from SNAP.

experiments.yml with instances from public repositories.
2  - repo: snap
3    items:
4      - 'facebook_combined'
5      - 'cit-HepTh'
7instdir: "./graphs"

Please navigate to the subfolder examples/download_instances and list all instances:

$ simex instances list


Instance short name                      Instance sets
-------------------                      -------------

The listed instances are shown as not available. To download them, use the following command:

$ simex instances install


Downloading instance 'cit-HepTh' from snap repository
[==================================================]100% (1.26MB/1.26MB)
Downloading instance 'facebook_combined' from snap repository
[==================================================]100% (0.21MB/0.21MB)

Now when repeating the simex instances list command, you’ll see that all instances are available.

Parameterize Algorithms

When benchmarking algorithms, it is often useful to compare different variants or parameter configurations. simexpal can manage those variants without requiring you to duplicate the experiments stanza multiple times.

As an example, imagine that you want to benchmark the running time of a merge sort algorithm using different minimum block sizes and sorting algorithms for these blocks. The my_sort.py script under examples/sorting provides an implementation of merge sort.

The following extends the original experiments.yml file with additional variants for merge sort after we defined our instances:

  - name: 'merge-sort'
    stdout: out
    args: ['python3', 'my_sort.py', '--algo=merge-sort', '@EXTRA_ARGS@', '@INSTANCE@']

  - axis: 'block-size'
      - name: 'bs2'
        extra_args: ['--block_size=2']
      - name: 'bs20'
        extra_args: ['--block_size=20']
      - name: 'bs200'
        extra_args: ['--block_size=200']
  - axis: 'block-algo'
      - name: 'bba-insertion'
        extra_args: ['--block_algorithm=insertion-sort']
      - name: 'bba-selection'
        extra_args: ['--block_algorithm=bubble-sort']

    - experiments: [insertion-sort, bubble-sort]
      axes: []
    - experiments: [merge-sort]
      axes: [block-size, block-algo]

First, we define the new experiment merge-sort adding the @-Variable @EXTRA_ARGS@. This will allow simexpal to insert additional program arguments. Second, we define variants as possible parameter groups for our experiment. Finally, we must add groups of experiments where for insertion-sort and bubble-sort the axes remain empty - as we do not want to parameterize these experiments. The experiment group with merge-sort will be using the variant axes block-size and block-algo.

After successfully running all (remaining) experiments, listing the experiments with:

simex e list --full


Experiment                        started    finished   failures             other
----------                        -------    --------   --------             -----
bubble-sort                                  4/4
insertion-sort                               4/4
merge-sort ~ bba-insertion, bs2              4/4
merge-sort ~ bba-insertion, bs20             4/4
merge-sort ~ bba-insertion, bs200            4/4
merge-sort ~ bba-selection, bs2              4/4
merge-sort ~ bba-selection, bs20             4/4
merge-sort ~ bba-selection, bs200            4/4
32 experiments in total

Builds and Revisions

To make sure that experiments always run using the same program binaries, simexpal can manage internal projects as well as external Git repositories, automatizing the build process.

Automated builds are controlled by the builds and revisions stanzas in the experiments.yml.

For the remainder of this section, we will will use the C++ implementation of the sorting example. We will use simexpal to resolve the dependency and to configure and compile the C++ project.

simexpal will invoke CMake commands to build the program; these steps are merely a list of shell input strings, thus you may use any build environment..

To enable automated builds, we need to add builds and revisions stanzas to experiments.yml. For experiments, to use the correct project, we must use the simexpal build.

experiments.yml for the C++ example of sorting algorithms.
 2  - name: simexpal
 3    git: 'https://github.com/hu-macsy/simexpal'
 4    configure:
 5      - args:
 6          - 'cmake'
 8          - '@THIS_CLONE_DIR@/examples/sorting_cpp/'
 9    compile:
10      - args:
11          - 'make'
12          - '-j@PARALLELISM@'
13    install:
14      - args:
15          - 'make'
16          - 'install'
19  - name: main
20    build_version:
21      'simexpal': 'd8d421e3c2eaa32311a6c678b15e9e22ea0d8eac'
24  - generator:
25      args: ['./generate.py', '--seed=1', '10000']
26    items:
27      - uniform-n1000-s1
28  - generator:
29      args: ['./generate.py', '--seed=2', '10000']
30    items:
31      - uniform-n1000-s2
32  - generator:
33      args: ['./generate.py', '--seed=3', '10000']
34    items:
35      - uniform-n1000-s3
38  - name: quick-sort
39    use_builds: [simexpal]
40    args: ['quicksort', '@INSTANCE@', '@EXTRA_ARGS@']
41    stdout: out
44  - axis: 'block-algo'
45    items:
46      - name: 'ba-insert'
47        extra_args: ['insertion_sort']
48      - name: 'ba-bubble'
49        extra_args: ['bubble_sort']
50  - axis: 'block-size'
51    items:
52      - name: 'bs32'
53        extra_args: ['32']
54      - name: 'bs64'
55        extra_args: ['64']
58  include:
59    - experiments: [quick-sort]
60      variants: [ba-insert, bs32]
61      revisions: [main]
62    - experiments: [quick-sort]
63      variants: [ba-bubble]
64      revisions: [main]

After navigating to examples/sorting_cpp, we must first generate the instances:

$ simex instances install

Now we build the C++ project:

$ simex builds make

Once the build process is finished, the experiments can be started as usual using:

$ simex e launch --launch-through=fork

Run Matrix

In the Parameterize Algorithms section we saw how we can use simexpal to specify axes and variants of parameters. For the following example we will take a look at the variants stanza of the C++ Sorting Example:

experiments.yml for the C++ example of sorting algorithms.
 2  - name: simexpal
 3    git: 'https://github.com/hu-macsy/simexpal'
 4    configure:
 5      - args:
 6          - 'cmake'
 8          - '@THIS_CLONE_DIR@/examples/sorting_cpp/'
 9    compile:
10      - args:
11          - 'make'
12          - '-j@PARALLELISM@'
13    install:
14      - args:
15          - 'make'
16          - 'install'
19  - name: main
20    build_version:
21      'simexpal': 'd8d421e3c2eaa32311a6c678b15e9e22ea0d8eac'
24  - generator:
25      args: ['./generate.py', '--seed=1', '10000']
26    items:
27      - uniform-n1000-s1
28  - generator:
29      args: ['./generate.py', '--seed=2', '10000']
30    items:
31      - uniform-n1000-s2
32  - generator:
33      args: ['./generate.py', '--seed=3', '10000']
34    items:
35      - uniform-n1000-s3
38  - name: quick-sort
39    use_builds: [simexpal]
40    args: ['quicksort', '@INSTANCE@', '@EXTRA_ARGS@']
41    stdout: out
44  - axis: 'block-algo'
45    items:
46      - name: 'ba-insert'
47        extra_args: ['insertion_sort']
48      - name: 'ba-bubble'
49        extra_args: ['bubble_sort']
50  - axis: 'block-size'
51    items:
52      - name: 'bs32'
53        extra_args: ['32']
54      - name: 'bs64'
55        extra_args: ['64']
58  include:
59    - experiments: [quick-sort]
60      variants: [ba-insert, bs32]
61      revisions: [main]
62    - experiments: [quick-sort]
63      variants: [ba-bubble]
64      revisions: [main]

simexpal will build every permutation of the experiment, instance, variant and revision sets. However, there are cases where this is not desired. For example, you might only want to run certain instance/variant combinations, not all.

Assume you want to run the quick sort algorithm with insertion sort as base block algorithm and 32 as minimal block size. Additionally you want to run quick sort with bubble sort as base block algorithm and use both 32 and 64 as minimal block sizes.

To achieve this, we need to add a matrix stanza to experiments.yml. In our example, this looks like:

    - experiments: [quick-sort]
      variants: [ba-insert, bs32]
      revisions: [main]
    - experiments: [quick-sort]
      variants: [ba-bubble]
      revisions: [main]

We could explicitly specify [ba-bubble, bs32, bs64] for the variants of quick-sort. In this case however, it is not necessary as bs32 and bs64 are all the possible values for the block-size axis.

Using simex experiments list --full we can confirm that we got our desired experiments:

Experiment                          Instance                            Status
----------                          --------                            ------
quick-sort ~ ba-bubble, bs32 @ main uniform-n1000-s1                    [0] not submitted
quick-sort ~ ba-bubble, bs32 @ main uniform-n1000-s2                    [0] not submitted
quick-sort ~ ba-bubble, bs32 @ main uniform-n1000-s3                    [0] not submitted
quick-sort ~ ba-bubble, bs64 @ main uniform-n1000-s1                    [0] not submitted
quick-sort ~ ba-bubble, bs64 @ main uniform-n1000-s2                    [0] not submitted
quick-sort ~ ba-bubble, bs64 @ main uniform-n1000-s3                    [0] not submitted
quick-sort ~ ba-insert, bs32 @ main uniform-n1000-s1                    [0] not submitted
quick-sort ~ ba-insert, bs32 @ main uniform-n1000-s2                    [0] not submitted
quick-sort ~ ba-insert, bs32 @ main uniform-n1000-s3                    [0] not submitted
9 experiments in total

Launchers and Support for Batch Schedulers

To submit experiments to a batch scheduler, simexpal allows you to define “launchers”. A launcher specifies where and how simexpal should submit experiments. If no launcher (not even a default launcher or --launch-through) is specified, simexpal launches experiments on the local machine.

Launchers must be defined in the launchers.yml file located under ~/.simexpal/launchers.yml. For example, to submit jobs to the Slurm partition cluster9, a launcher configuration could look like this:

  - name: local-cluster
    default: true
    scheduler: slurm
    queue: cluster9

When launching experiments using simex experiments launch, you can specify the --launcher option (e.g., simex experiments launch --launcher local-cluster) to select a certain launcher.


The default: true attribute of a launcher overrides the default behavior of launching on the local machine. Hence, there can only be one launcher with default: true.